To say the last week or so of September was a memorable one is an understatement.
- Monday, Sept. 26: Did an interview about Heaven on the Hudson: Mansions, Monuments, and Marvels of Riverside Park with WFUV radio—my first radio interview for the book. Likely airdate: November. And Book Culture, our local bookstore, ran a Q&A with me on their blog.
- Tuesday, Sept. 27: Be still my heart: Heaven on the Hudson’s official launch date!
- Wednesday, Sept. 28: My first Heaven on the Hudson Zoom presentation, for Landmark West! The topic: From Martin to Moses: A History of Riverside Park and the Men Who Made It. I talked for an hour!
- Thursday, Sept. 29: Finalized plans for Friday’s book launch party, shopped for food. Got my nails done!
- Friday, Sept. 30: Book launch party! Lots of people, lots of food, lots of good talk. And a very special toast by authors Bob Pigott, Andrew Alpern and Jim Mackin.
- Saturday, October 1: Post party — cleaned up and collapsed. Relaxed by catching up on this month’s Bloomingdale Neighborhood History Group Zoom presentation on “Vanished Waters: the Old Springs, Wells and Watercourses of Bloomingdale” — in which, bless him, Jim Mackin managed to mention Heaven on the Hudson a total of five times. Also, a lovely article about the book and launch party appeared in Splash! Magazine.
- Sunday, October 2: A book signing was scheduled at the annual Brooklyn Book Festival – but the outdoor section, where I was supposed to be, was rained out. We had planned brunch nearby with friends, and who’s going to turn down brunch with friends in Brooklyn? So off we went, and I posed for a photo in the wind and rain in front of the wreck of tables where my signing was supposed to be.
What will next week bring? (Hopefully, a few days of rest…)